even without years of coaching experience
or any formal business education

even without years of coaching experience
or formal business education

I help Female Coaches 40+
release any blocks and fears
to easily and confidently attract 
their best clients, grow their  businesses, and help more people 

I help Female Coaches 40 +
release any blocks and fears
to easily and confidently attract 
their best clients, grow their businesses, and help more people 

If you are a coach, chances are that you are a little bit like me - you love helping others with your skills and gifts.
This is why you decided to become a coach in the first place.

Now it's time to get
the confidence to powerfully stand out, reach more people and create the kind of impact (and freedom!) that you so much want and deserve.

If not, chances are that you bland in and don't attract all those people who need you right now.

Your message drowns down in the constantly expanding sea of noise and "competition".
After all, there are just so many coaches out there...

This can cause you to constantly look for new strategies, platforms, or programs but in reality, it only leads to more stress, overwhelm, frustration, and feeling like you're just not good enough.

I am here to tell you that MORE THAN GOOD and that there's a much better way to help more people and grow your business (that you might not have considered yet)!

Tell me...

Are you fully satisfied with how many people you help and what impact you make with your business?

I specialize in helping female coaches 40+ confidently stand out by releasing fears, blocks and deeply stored limiting beliefs around themselves, business, money, success, and everything in between. Once they do, they finally can use their uniqueness as their secret weapon to massively grow their reach, impact and income regardless of their competition

Because in case you haven't realized it yet, your business doesn't need yet another business program or one more Social Media platform, a better website, or more favorable algorithm. 

It needs YOU to stop hiding, unapologetically claim your spot in the online world and stand in you power.

Once you do, you become MAGNETIC and completely unstoppable!

and I am 
The Confidence Magician.

and I am The Confidence Magician.

Hi, I 'm Kasia

Almost there!

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